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来自 : dict.cn/drop 发布时间:2021-03-24
The apple blossoms are beginning to drop.
苹果树上的花开始落了。 A gentle rain dropped yesterday morning.
昨天上午下了一场小雨。 The hinges of this door seem to have dropped slightly.
这门的铰链好像有些下坠。 Our boat gently dropped.
我们的小船顺流缓缓而下。 Prices dropped.
物价下跌了。 The price of home electric appliances dropped last year.
去年家用电器的价钱降下来了。 In that country, steel output dropped further this year.
在那个国家,钢产量今年进一步下降了。 Production costs dropped 5.5 percent last year.
去年的生产成本下降5.5%。 They worked until they drop.
他们干到体力不支时才停止。 I feel ready to drop.
我感到要累垮了。 She expects every one to work till they drop.
她指望每个人都拼命工作。 The stock market dropped today.
证券市场今日处于呆滞状态。 The use of this drug has dropped.
这种药物已停止使用。 Dew had fallen heavily since the wind had dropped.
风已停息,露水更浓了。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron. She dropped her baby.
她把孩子掉在地上。 The wet leaves are dropping water.
湿漉漉的叶子在滴水。 She dropped the teapot.
她把茶壶弄掉了。 You\'ve dropped your handkerchief.
你的手帕掉在地上了。 She dropped her glasses and broke them.
她不小心把眼镜掉在地上摔碎了。 The enemy plane dropped several bombs and flew away.
敌机投下几枚炸弹,然后飞走了。 The motorist dropped his speed.
摩托车手放慢了速度。 I dropped my umbrella last night.
昨夜我把伞丢了。 He dropped his watch in the bathroom.
他把手表丢在洗澡间了。 The postman has dropped a letter here.
邮递员掉了一封信在这里。 I\'m driving your way so I may drop you at the station.
我可以开车顺路把你载到车站。 We dropped the plan because of the lack of support.
因为得不到支持,我们取消了这个计划。 Let\'s drop the formalities, call me Mike.
咱别讲客套,叫我迈克好了。 She wants to drop Russian after she learned it over a month.
她学了一个多月俄语后便想停学了。 They have already dropped the project.
他们已放弃这个项目。 Since you are not interested in the discussion,I\'ll drop it.
既然你们对讨论不感兴趣,我就放弃它。 He dropped teaching and took up business.
他已弃教从商。 Don\'t drop the period at the end of a sentence.
句尾别漏了句号。 The boss dropped ten men on Sunday.
老板星期天解雇了10个人。 The boss dropped her from the staff at the end of the year.
年底老板把她解雇了。 He has dropped all his old friends.
他抛弃了所有的老朋友。 I hear they have dropped over 2000 yuan on the deal.
我听说他们这笔交易亏了2000多元。 It must have been Mary who had dropped the rumours!
散布流言的一定是玛丽! The minister was dropped for last year\'s harvest failure.
那位部长因去年歉收而被解雇。 Those who do not pay the club fee will be dropped from the membership.
那些不交俱乐部费的人将被取消会员资格。 If he tells you the case will be dropped, it will be dropped.
他要说这案子会了结,那就将会了结。 用作双宾动词 S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron. Drop me a line when you get there.
到那儿后给我来封信。 He dropped his teacher a postcard.
他给他老师寄了张明信片。 S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n. He never dropped the smallest hint to you or any of your family?

本文链接: http://drop.immuno-online.com/view-695132.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)